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With bread & salt

With Bread and Salt

with Anthi Thanou, Alexander Makris


the dream cooks mama's taper

παραμύθι mama's taper

in a garden it does not grow in an orchard no, the king tastes it and the whole world uses it ... and I love my little one like salt ... and they made their sourdough cookies ... and forty loaves of bread I will eat ... and our god created with flour and water but some of us missed it and others got out early ...

A gastronomic rug in delicious fairytales with plenty of salt, buns, bread and breads.

We serve bread and salt and in the end we will say

and we ate and drank and we all gave !!!

Dream mama's taper invites you on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 11:00 in their new space Klisouras 11, for delicious fairy tales and an incredible cooking workshop!

In particular, Mrmy little friends will be traveling for about an hour with the wonderful fairy tales of Anthi Thanos. Then they will be transformed into aspiring chefs, where they will make half ...... The goal is for young adults to let their imagination go free, wander into the world of fairy tales and finally enjoy their culinary creations! The journeys are accompanied by music and songs by the musician Alexander Makris.

Mama's taper ψωμι αλάτι

Waiting for the adults in their reception a hot French buffet and as soon as the story is over the buffet will open where coffee, lemonade and sweets can be served. There is also the option of having a meal for adults or having a snack after the event.

Children ages: 3 years to 12 years

xmas mama's taper


7 euro / child

The price includes children's storytelling and creative action, where children will eat their own creations and watch the fairy tales.

7 euro / parent

For the parent the price includes French coffee in the reception, after the end of the story a hot beverage of their choice (homemade cinnamon, coffee or tea) and treats mama's taper.

Reservation required and athe registration form 2310 242524)

Where: Klisouras 11, a pedestrian street that connects Chalkeon Street and Venizelou, Aristotelous Square.

Info: 2310.24.25.24 or 6974602278 Hatzigiannakis Life Communication Officer mama's taper